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    List of publications of Ahmed Z. KHAN

      Research reports, book reviews, letters to the editor, working papers (106)

  1. 79. Khan, A. Z. (2010). Rethinking Scale in the Context of Sustainable Urbanism. Netherlands: NWO-Veni Scheme.
  2. 80. Crols, T., Khan, A. Z., Canters, F., & Corijn, E. (2010). Coastal Resources and Uses: Belgian case-studies of Brugge and Oostende.
  3. 81. Khan, A. Z. (2010). Prospective Urbaine - Exploring Urban Futures.
  4. 82. Khan, A. Z. (2010). Scaling Sustainable Urbanism: Reimagining Urban Form as a factor of Sustainability. Flanders, Belgium: FWO.
  5. 83. Khan, A. Z. (2010). Urban Form and Sustainability: Scaling Urban Metabolism - The Case of Brussels. Belgium: Prospective Research for Brussels.
  6. 84. Khan, A. Z. (2009). Beginings at Afternoons. (PGCHS’s newsletter). KULeuven: ASRO.
  7. 85. Khan, A. Z. (2009). Between Colonialism and Globalization: Rethinking Modes of Development and Identity production in South Asian Urbanism. U.K.: YALE University.
  8. 86. Khan, A. Z. (2009). Between Colonialism and Globalization: Rethinking Modes of Development and Identity production in South Asian Urbanism. Canada: CCA (Canadian Centre of Architecture).
  9. 87. Khan, A. Z. (2009). Sustainable Urban Design. Delft: TUDelft.
  10. 88. Khan, A. Z., de Meulder, B., & Loeckx, A. (2009). Urban Design and Sustainable Development: Exploring interfaces in Theory, Process, and Product. Leuven: KULeuven: K. U. Leuven Research Fund.
  11. 89. Khan, A. Z., de Meulder, B., & Loeckx, A. (2008). Between Colonialism and Globalization: Rethinking Modes of Development and Identity production in South Asian Urbanism. Leuven: KULeuven: K. U. Leuven Research Fund.
  12. 90. Khan, A. Z. (2008). Green consciousness, Sustainability and the Making of Islamabad: The development of a City of the Future. Cambridge (Mass.): Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): AKPIA.

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